El Camino del Agua is a performance with young Cuban dancers from the Escuela Nacional de Danza Moderna y Folclórica and young Dutch musicians of the Youth String Orchestra. It is an artistic encounter between young people from two cultures, which both use their own skills as young artists in this encounter. The music, inspired by Cuban Orisha songs, was composed by Patricio Wang and performed live by the Dutch Youth String Orchestra conducted by Johannes Leertouwer.
Inspiration and starting point are the Orishas, the Afro-Cuban gods pantheon of popular Cuban religion Santeria. Through the allegory of the Orishas a story is told about the isolated situation of young Cubans and their hope to meet their peers elsewhere in the world. At the same time these Orishas are presented to tell broadly about the forces that surround Cuba and the Cubans: the power of the sea, the unprecedented lightning and hurricanes as well as the impact of socialism, religion and the joy of life.
The Dutch musicians support and challenge the dancers. Rapprochement and counterpoint, mastery and lyricism is their game and answer to the Cuban forces of life. The cultural fusion finds its way in an associative composition of dance and music.
Choreography: Feri de Geus en Noortje Bijvoets
Music: Patricio Wang Dirigent Johannes Leertouwer
Set/light: Pink Steenvoorden, Einstein Design
Costums: Ben Voorhaar Karisma Costumes
Production: Tamara Dirven
Management: Betty Kaan
Dance: Mardelis Martinez Duarte, Rosario María Rodriguez ,Yusimy Moya Rodriguez, Massiel Ester Jaca, Leanett Rodriguez Gonzales, Jorge Valenzuela Barceló, Isbel Bello Rodriguez, Saigel Luis Palacios, Yosmel Calderon Mejias, Edson Leonardo Cabrera Veitia